Devi Biotech Pvt Ltd was started during 2007 to commercialize their research work on Biopesticides and Biofertilizers. The modern manufacturing units are located near Madurai in South India. A Team of dedicated scientists is involved in strain identification/development, product development, pilot scale production and technology optimization for large scale production of biological pesticides and biofertilizers.
In addition to the biological pesticides, we are also manufacturing Liquid Biofertilizers based on Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF) Technology, which helps to maintain higher population of cells in the formulation. We are the FIRST PRIVATE COMPANY using this technology in India for manufacturing Biofertilizers.
Our talc and liquid formulations contain unique preservatives developed by the scientific research that ensures longer shelf life, tolerance to adverse conditions and better survival on seeds/ soil.
For ensuring the quality, the products are being tested and maintained at every level i.e. the raw materials to the finished products.

Biological Pesticides
The company is at present manufacturing and marketing the following talc based biological pesticides products:

Boom Derma is an eco friendly biological fungicide containing conidial spores and mycelial fragments of the selective strain of antagonistic fungus Trichoderma viride. It controls diseases like damping off, wilt, collar rot, root rot, leaf blights spots in various economically important crops. It also produces toxic metabolites like gliotoxin, viridin and trichodermin which reduce the population of pathogenic fungi.
CFU Count | 2 x 106 cells/gm minimum |
Biomass | 1.50 % |
Talc powder | 97.00 % |
Carboxy methyl cellulose | 1.50 % |
Mode of Action
Hyphae of Trichoderma viride grow tropically towards pathogenic fungi, coil around them in a lectin-mediated reaction and degrade the cell walls of the target fungi by producing cell wall-degrading enzymes and bore holes to extract nutrients for their own growth. This process limits the growth and activity of the plant pathogenic fungi.
Method of application and dosage
- Seed Treatment: Mix 5 gm of Boom Derma in 50 ml of water and applied on 1 kg of seed uniformly. Shade dry the seeds for 20 – 30 minutes before sowing.
- Seedlings Treatment: Dissolve 10 gm of Boom Derma in one litre of water, Dip seedling roots for about half an hour in the suspension and transplant immediately.
- Nursery seed bed Treatment: Mix 500 gm of Boom Derma in 10 kg of well decomposed FYM/Compost/Vermi compost and broadcast in 400 area.
- Soil application: Mix 1 kg of Boom Derma with 40-50 kgs of FYM/Vermi compost/Compost/field soil and broadcast over 1 acre land.
- Soil Drenching: Mix 1 kg of Boom Derma in 200 litre of water for 1 acre land and drench the soil.
- Horticulture crops: Mix 50–100 gm of Boom Derma per plant in sufficient quantity of well decomposed FYM/Vermi compost/Compost/field soil and apply the mixture in effective root zone of fruit tree.
- Boom Derma produces certain plant growth promoting substances and acts as plant growth promoters.
- Boom Derma enhances the vigor and promotes plant growth.
- Boom Derma forms a natural protective barrier around the root zone against pathogenic entry.
- Suitable and effective for a wide range of agro climatic and soil conditions.
- Boom Derma does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
- Safe to human beings, animals and beneficial insect.
- No waiting period. Harvesting can be done immediately after application.
- Best fit in IPM, IRM and Organic Farming.

Boom Monas formulation contains the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens, which acts against the plant pathogens causing root rot, wilt, blast, sheath blight, damping off, leaf spot and rhizome rot in various crops. It also acts as plant growth promoter.
CFU Count | 1 x 108 cells/gm minimum |
Biomass | 1.00 % |
Talc powder | 98.00 % |
Carboxy methyl cellulose | 1.00 % |
Mode of Action
Pseudomonas fluorescens suppress the plant diseases by producing number of secondary metabolites including antibiotics, siderophores and hydrogen cyanide. These microbes has the unique ability to enter the plant vascular system, reach the various parts of the plant system and act as a systemic bio-control agent against various fungal and bacterial diseases. Competitive exclusion of pathogens as the result of rapid colonization of the rhizosphere by Pseudomonas fluorescens an important factor in disease control.
Method of application and dosage
- Seed Treatment – Mix 10 gm Boom Monas in 50 ml of water and apply on 1 kg of seeds uniformly. Shade dry the seeds for 20 – 30 minutes before sowing
- Seedlings treatment – Dissolve 10 gm Boom Monas per litre of water, Dip seedling root for about half an hour in the suspension and transplant immediately.
- Nursery seed bed preparation – Mix 500 gm Boom Monas in 10 kg of well decomposed FYM/compost/Vermicompost and broadcast in 400
- Soil application: Mix 1 kg of Boom Derma with 40-50 kgs of FYM/Vermi compost/Compost/field soil and broadcast over 1 acre of land.
- Soil Drenching – Mix 1 kg of Boom Monas in 150 – 200 litre of water for 1 acre land and drench the soil.
- Foliar application: Mix 5 gm Boom Monas per litre of water and spray during early crop stage. Repeat application every 15 days once in needed for better control.
- Boom Monas produces plant growth promoting substances of Auxins and Gibberellins and acts as plant growth promoters.
- Boom Monas forms a natural protective barrier around the root zone against pathogenic entry.
- Suitable and effective for a wide range of agro climatic and soil conditions.
- Boom Monas does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
- Safe to human beings, animals and beneficial insect.
- No waiting period. Harvesting can be done immediately after application.
- Best fit in IPM, IRM and Organic Farming.

Boom Nemo is a biological nematicide based on a selected strain of naturally-occurring filamentous entomopathogenic fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus that infects and kills eggs, larvae and adult stage of many plant pathogenic nematodes like root knot nematodes, cyst nematodes reniform nematode, burrowing nematode, citrus nematode, golden cyst nematode and lesion nematodes.
CFU Count | 2 x 106 cells/gm minimum |
Biomass | 1.00 % |
Talc powder | 98.00 % |
Carboxy methyl cellulose | 1.00 % |
Mode of Action
Paecilomyces lilacinus is strongly parasitic to all stages of common plant infecting nematodes, specifically the eggs, juveniles and young adults of most phytophagous nematode species. Spores of the fungus adhere to the cuticle of the nematodes as they migrate through the soil. The spores germinate and penetrate the cuticle and engulf the nematodes. The hyphae of the fungus can also be entering the eggs, juveniles, male, female nematodes through body openings such as anus and vulva eventually paralyzing and leading to the death of the nematode.
Method of application and dosage
Crops | Common name of nematodes | Dosage & Method of application |
Nursery | Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita) | Boom Nemo@50 gm/sq.m and also apply Boom Nemo enriched FYM*@ 2 Tons/acre to the soil before transplanting. |
Capsicum | Reniform nematodes (Rotylenchulus reniformis) | -do- |
Tomato | Meloidogyne incognita | -do- |
Brinjal | Meloidogyne incognita | -do- |
Onion | Meloidogyne incognita | -do- |
Chilli | Meloidogyne incognita | -do- |
Crossandra | Meloidogyne incognita | -do- |
Okra | Meloidogyne incognita | Treat the seeds with Boom Nemo @ 10 gm/kg seeds and also apply Boom Nemo enriched FYM*@2 Tons/acre to the soil before transplanting. |
Tuberose | Meloidogyne incognita | Apply 2 kg Boom Nemo mixed in 2 tons of FYM*per acre to the soil before transplanting. |
Banana | Radopholus similis | Apply Boom Nemo enriched FYM* @ 2 kg/plant at the time of planting and at an interval of 3 months after planting for a period of one year. |
Acid lime | Citrus nematodes (Tylenchulus semipenetrans) | -do- |
Papaya | Meloidogyne spp. Reniform nematodes (Rotylenchulus reniformis) | -do- |
- Suitable and effective for a wide range of agro climatic and soil conditions.
- Boom Nemo does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
- Safe to human beings, animals and beneficial insect.
- No waiting period. Harvesting can be done immediately after application.
- Best fit in IPM, IRM and Organic Farming.

Boom Vert is a biological insecticide based on a selective strain of naturally-occurring entomopathogenic fungus, Verticillium lecanii. These product contains spores and mycelial fragments of V. lecanii and Effective against all soft body sucking insect like Aphids, Thrips, Mealy bugs, White flies, Jassids, Hoppers, Scales and all types of Mites.
CFU Count | 1 x 108 cells/gm minimum |
Biomass | 1.15 % |
Talc powder | 90.85 % |
Moisture | 8.00 % |
Mode of Action
The spore of the fungus, when it comes in contact with the cuticle of the target pest insect, germinates and grows directly through spiracle in the cuticle into the inner body of the host. The fungus destroy the internal body content resulting in the mortality of insects by combination of chemical, mechanical, water loss and nutrient loss effect. The fungus grows on cuticle produce certain toxin dipicolinic acid and bassianolide which cause mortality.
Method of application and dosage
- Foliar spray- Mix 1 kg of Boom Vert in 250 lit of water, stir well to form uniform suspension and spray immediately on the target pest during evening hours by using high volume spray, cover both sides of the leaves with spray solution.
- Suitable and effective for a wide range of agro climatic and soil conditions.
- Boom Vert does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
- Safe to human beings, animals and beneficial insect.
- No waiting period. Harvesting can be done immediately after application.
- Best fit in IPM, IRM and Organic Farming.

Boom Bass is a entomopathogenic Biological insecticide containing the white muscardine saprophytic fungus Beauveria bassiana widely used for control of plant pests like root grubs, boll worms, spodoptera, coffee berry borers, pod borers, hoppers and weevils.
CFU Count | 1 x 108 cells/gm minimum |
Biomass | 1.15 % |
Talc powder | 90.85 % |
Moisture | 8.00 % |
Mode of Action
Beauveria bassiana infects all stages of insect, including eggs, larvae, pupae, grubs, nymphs, hoppers and adult. The spores attached to insect cuticle, germinate and penetrate into the insect body. Through enzymes action, the hyphae proliferate in to insect body and cause mortality through a combination of chemical, mechanical, water and nutrient loss effects. The insect body ultimately gets covered with white mycelium and spores. Dead insect covered by the white mycelium and spores of Beauveria favours the secondary infection.
Method of application and dosage
- Soil application – For soil insect pest like White Grubs, Termite, Agrotis species etc, mix 1 kg of Boom Bass with 50 kg of well decomposed FYM/compost/field soil and broadcast in the field of 1 acre at the time of field preparation or in standing crop.
- Foliar spray – Mix 1 kg of Boom Bass in 250-300 lit of water for spraying in the standing crop at the time of appearance of insect pest.
- Suitable and effective for a wide range of agro climatic and soil conditions.
- Boom Vert does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
- Safe to human beings, animals and beneficial insect
- No waiting period. Harvesting can be done immediately after application.
- Best fit in IPM, IRM and Organic Farming.
Biofertilizers are defined as preparations containing living and efficient strains of microorganisms that help the plants to uptake the nutrients by their interactions in the rhizosphere when applied through seed or soil. They accelerate certain microbial processes in the soil which augment the extent of availability of nutrients in a form easily assimilated by plants.
Very often microorganisms are not as efficient in natural surroundings as one would expect them to be and therefore artificially multiplied cultures of efficient selected microorganisms play a vital role in accelerating the microbial processes in soil.
Use of Biofertilizers is one of the important components of integrated nutrient management, as they are cost effective and renewable source of plant nutrients to supplement the chemical fertilizers for sustainable agriculture.
Our liquid biofertilizers manufactured by using Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF) Technology, contains unique preservatives that ensures longer shelf life, tolerance to adverse conditions and better survival on seeds/soil.
The company is at present manufacturing and marketing the following liquid formulation of biofertilizer products:
Boom Azo is a liquid bio-fertilizer based on the selective strain of Azospirillum brasilense is an associative symbiotic type of microorganism capable of colonizing root surface of plant.It helps to fix the atmospheric nitrogen through biological nitrogen fixation and makes it available to the plant in an easily utilizable form. It also enhances the plant growth, vigour, increases the yield and reduces the amount of chemical Nitrogenous fertilizer usage.
Organism | Azospirillum brasilense |
Population (min.) | 1×108 bacterial cells/ml |
Adjuvant | 1.00% |
Culture Media Residues | 98-99% |
Total | 100.00% |
Benefits to the crop
It fixes 20 – 40 kg Nitrogen /Ha in non-leguminous plants. Azospirillum culture also synthesize some amount of active substances like vitamins, IAA, Gibberellins and Nicotinic acid which helps in seed germination, early emergence and better root growth and development
Recommended Crops
Boom Azo is suitable for application on Rice, Wheat, Sugarcane, Maize, Barley, Vegetables, Fruits, Millets, Cotton, Oil seeds like Mustard, sun flower and sesame etc. Horticultural crops, Flowers and Plantation crops.
Dosage and Method of Application
Seed Treatment: Mix 10 ml of Boom Azo in sufficient water and mix 1 Kg of Seeds, shade dry the treated seeds before sowing.
Seedling/Sugarcane Setts Treatment: Mix 100 ml of Boom Azo with sufficient quantity of water and dip the roots of seedling/sugarcane setts before transplanting so that the nitrogen fixing bacteria get attached to the roots.
Soil Application: Mix 500 ml of Boom Azo with 100 kgs of Farm yard manure. Blend the mixer well and broadcast it over one acre of field before last ploughing or irrigation.
Drip Irrigation System: Mix1 Litre of Boom Azo/ Acre in 500 litres water, apply through drip Irrigation System.
Eco safety: Boom Azo is safe to environment, plants, animals and human beings.
- The treated seeds should be dried in shade, cool place and sown within 2-3 hours.
- Do not mix with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Use Boom Azo two weeks before or after chemical fertilizers/pesticides usage.
- The product should be kept in cool & dry place, away from direct sunlight.
- The entire contents of the pack should be used in one time.
- Soil broadcasting should be done in early stage of standing crops along with irrigation.
A Liquid Biofertilizer Formulation
BOOM PHOS is a liquid bio-fertilizer based on a selected strain of naturally-occurring phosphorous solubilising bacterium, Bacillus megatherium var. phosphaticum.The bacteria converting insoluble phosphatic compounds such as rock phosphate, bone meal and basic slag particularly the chemically fixed soil phosphorus into available form by releasing organic acids such as lactic acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, fumaric acid, succinic and acetic acid.
Organism | Bacillus megatherium var phosphaticum. |
Population (Min.) | 1×108 bacterial cells/ml |
Adjuvant | 1.00% |
Culture Media Residues | 98-99% |
Total | 100.00% |
Benefits to the crop:
Supplies 10 to 15 kg / ha phosphorus to the plants. Increase micronutrients availability to plant from the soil like Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, B, Zn and Cu in addition to phosphorus .Encourage faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake. Increase resistance towards diseases and drought tolerance due to rapid cell development in the plants.
Recommended Crops: Boom Phos is suitable for all crops including Rice, wheat, Barley, maize, Cereals, Millets, vegetables, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugarcane, Forage Crops, Plantation Crops, Fruits Crops, Spices, and Flowers.
Dosage and Method of Application
Seed Treatment: Mix 10 ml of Boom Phos in sufficient water and mix 1 Kg of Seeds. Shade dry the treated seeds before sowing.
Seedling/Sugarcane Setts Treatment: Mix 100 ml of Boom Phos with sufficient quantity of water and the seedlings roots/setts are to be immersed in this slurry for 30 minutes before planting so that the phosphorous solubilising bacteria get attached to the root.
Soil Application: Take 500 ml of Boom Phos and mix with 100 kgs of Farm yard manure. Blend the mixer well and broadcast it over one acre of field before last ploughing or irrigation.
Drip Irrigation System: Mix1 Litre of Boom Phos/ Acre in 500 litres water, apply through drip Irrigation System.
Eco safety: Boom Phos is safe to environment, plants, animals and human beings.
- The treated seeds should be dried in shade, cool place and sown within 2-3 hours.
- Do not mix with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Use Boom Phos two weeks before or after chemical fertilizers/pesticides usage.
- The product should be kept in cool & dry place, away from direct sunlight.
- The entire contents of the pack should be used in one time.
- Soil broadcasting should be done in early stage of standing crops along with irrigation.
A Liquid Biofertilizer Formulation
BOOM K is a liquid bio-fertilizer based on a selected strain of naturally-occurring potassium solubilising bacterium, Bacillus sp. which has the ability to mobilize the elementary potassium or a potassium mixture which can be easily absorbed by plants. It also enhances the plant growth, vigour, increase the yield and reduce the amount of chemical Potassium fertilizer usage.
Organism | Bacillus sp. |
Population (Min.) | 1×108 bacterial cells/ml |
Adjuvant | 1.00% |
Culture Media Residues | 98-99% |
Total | 100% |
Benefits to the crop
Reduce chemical potassium fertilizer usage by up to 25-30%.Improve resistance of crop against disease and stress condition. Improve crop growth and yield by 20 – 30 %. Increase crop productivity by secretion of hormones and increase plant immune system.
Recommended Crops
Boom K is suitable for all crops including Rice, wheat, Barley, maize, Cereals, Millets, vegetables, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugarcane, Forage Crops, Plantation Crops, Fruits Crops, Spices, and Flowers.
Dosage and Method of Application
Seed Treatment: Mix 10 ml of Boom K in sufficient water and mix 1 Kg of Seeds. Shade dry the treated seeds before sowing.
Seedling/Sugarcane Setts Treatment: Mix 100 ml of Boom K with sufficient quantity of water and the seedlings roots/setts are to be immersed in this slurry for 30 minutes before planting so that the potassium solubilising bacteria get attached to the root.
Soil Application: Take 500 ml of Boom K and mix with 100 kgs of Farm yard manure. Blend the mixer well and broadcast it over one acre of field before last ploughing or irrigation.
Drip Irrigation System: Mix1 Litre of Boom K/ Acre in 500 litres water, apply through drip Irrigation System.
Eco safety: Boom K is safe to environment, plants, animals and human beings.
- The treated seeds should be dried in shade, cool place and sown within 2-3 hours.
- Do not mix with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Use Boom K two weeks before or after chemical fertilizers/pesticides usage.
- The product should be kept in cool & dry place, away from direct sunlight.
- The entire contents of the pack should be used in one time.
- Soil broadcasting should be done in early stage of standing crops along with irrigation.